Serve Legal - 2017 test results in review


23 May

Serve Legal, the company which provides an independent test purchase service for retailers of age restricted products across the UK to check staff are checking young people for ID, has just released it 2017 ‘year in review’, based on some 100,000 test purchase operations.

Headlines include:

  • Retailers are failing to improve staff performance to prevent underage alcohol sales
  • One in six teenage mystery shoppers were sold alcohol in 2017 without age checks
  • Retailers’ commitment to age check testing has slowed since 2014 despite Challenge 21/25
  • Knives sold to one in four mystery shoppers unchallenged
  • Tobacco picture improves but e-cigarette pass rates and test numbers are falling
  • Online retailers and their delivery companies hand prohibited goods to nearly six in ten young mystery shoppers

The full report can be found here: 'Serve Legal - Year in Review 2017'

Law correct at the date of publication.
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